[10.] İbrâhîm Müteferrika: Fuyûzât-ı miknatisîye, 1144 gurre-i ramazân/February 1732
size: 23 fols;
printed surface: 80×145 mm;
page: 130×190 mm;
lines: 19;
copies: 500.

The authorship of Müteferrika in this compilation on magnetic effects can be supported with a good reason. The smallest book published in his press is a selection of extracts and chapters from various Latin works. It was probably the importance of magnetism in navigation and thus indirectly in the modernization of the fleet that called Müteferrika’s attention to the topic.

The Oriental Collection has no copy of this work. One copy of it is preserved in the National Széchényi Library [OSZK shelfmark: H 3253].


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