[3.] Jan Tadeusz Krusiñski: Târîh-i seyyâh der beyân-i zuhûr-i Ağvâniyân ve sebeb-i indihâm-i binâ-i Devlet-i ªâhân-i Safeviyân, 1142 gurre-i safer/August 1729

size: [7], 97 fols;
printed surface: 100×165 mm;
page: 150×230 mm;
lines: 21-22;
copies: 1200.

A Turkish translation of the history of Iran written in Latin by the Jesuit missionary Jan Tadeusz Krusiñski (1675-1751). The work, whose title can be translated as A voyager’s description on the apparition of the Afghans and on the reasons of the Safavid Empire being undermined, focuses on the Afghan invasion of 1722 which led to the fall of the Safavid dynasty, but also offers an overview on the historical processes of early 18th-century Safavid Iran. The publication of this work was made actual not only the vicinity of Iran to the Ottoman Empire, but also by the historical turn reorganizing the relations of power in the region and triggering the intervention of the Ottomans as well. This may have been the reason that among the first Turkish incunabula this was the work published in the highest number of copies. This publication also offers an early example of copyright disputes, as Krusiñski considered the Turkish translation as his own work, while Müteferrika, who does not mentions his name in the printed version, suggests himself to be the translator

The Oriental Collection preserves an incomplete copy, with some missing introductory pages [MTAK shelfmark: 771.143].
introductory 3v   introductory 2v-3r   introductory 1v-2r
        introductory 97v


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